Amsterdam Berlin Lon
Blockchain Institute is an international research and development centre established to support and facilitate the production and implementation of blockchain-based solutions.
Through its endorsement of several research projects and educational programs globally, Blockchain Institute aims to make a genuine contribution to blockchain technology.
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R&D; Labs
Blockchain Institute R&D; Labs are designed to be world-class centres of blockchain research and development able to organize and support a wide variety of scientific and technological projects for both the public and private sector.
Far beyond simply writing smart contracts and protocols, the labs facilitate the entire development process and ensure that viable applications and solutions are brought to fruition. Located in the world’s technological capitals, such as Amsterdam, Berlin, and Moscow, distributed autonomous R&D; Labs enable the Blockchain Institute to develop an international network of experienced researchers, developers, businesses and public institutions.
Explore solutions
WorkFork is a career platform that helps highly qualified blockchain researchers and developers find fulfilling and well-paid jobs as well as companies looking to recruit top talent.
Find the latest job listings, filter them by location, job title, skill set or related keywords. Sign up to take our aptitude test and to begin applying for job roles. Don’t miss the chance to become a part of blockchain vanguard!
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Apograf is the first aggregator for publications on cryptography, distributed computer systems, blockchain technology and other related fields.
By collecting metadata from reputable sources, it delivers easy integrated access to complete scientific publications or links to where they can be found.
Service functionality will be continuously expanded to the level of fully-fledged library containing scientific publications, as well as reviews.
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Courses & Events
Blockchain Developer
Sept. 2018
19:30-21:30, Wed/Thurs
9-week intensive technical course involving a complete immersion in the blockchain-development, mastering the skills of working with cryptographic tools and systems, writing smart contracts and optimising business processes.
The key objective of Blockchain Institute is to advance research initiatives in the field of blockchain technology. The Institute has created a special grant program dedicated specifically to this.
Applications are reviewed and assessed by the Blockchain Institute, its technological partners and members from the international community of blockchain researchers.
ERGO Off-chain payments protocols development
1000-5000 EFYT
01 January 2018


12 months


Design and development of off-chain payments protocols for ERGO. ERGO’s rich and flexible transactional language is superior to Bitcoin Script and provides an opportunity to create efficient and simple (in comparison with Lightning) off-chain payments protocols. As ERGO’s transactional language final specifications have not yet been defined, it’s possible to change and/or add functions for more efficient future implementation.


1. Article with design and analysis of off-chain payments protocol, presentation at the conference.
2. Development of ERGO wallet using designed protocol.

The goal can be achieved completely or partially.

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Research of sidechains with cryptographically verifiable inter-ledger atomic swaps
1000-5000 WAVES
25 September 2017


12 months


Along with generic research special focus is on Proof-of-Stake account-based blockchains.

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Randomization in blockchain-based systems with application to secure Proof-of-Stake algorithms
1000-5000 WAVES
25 September 2017


12 months


Development of RANDAO-like algorithms focusing on strict security proofs and feasibility in production systems.

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Non-turing complete smart contracts research
1000-5000 WAVES
25 September 2017


12 months


Sigma protocols research, zero-knowledge proofs-based languages with provably finite execution time.

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Waves, ERGO
Liquid democracy
Charlottesville, USA
25 September 2017


Hong-Sheng Zhou, Assistant Professor of Cryptography, Virginia Commonwealth University


12 months.


Existing electoral systems, although based on democratic models, have significant limitations. Representative democracy, for example, requires voters to give up their rights to a proxy, who wields influence on their behalf. Direct democracy, whilst ostensibly fairer, tends not to scale well for a number of reasons — including its requirement that voters are well-informed about every issue on which they make a decisions. Liquid democracy combines the advantages of both systems, allowing voters to make a decision themselves or to defer to an expert, as appropriate.


Voting protocol that can be used in real-world production systems.